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Unbreakable - 12 News

This is the story of Dr. Chang's "back breaking" innovative surgery at St. Josephs Hospital. We can't wait to show you how well Jackie is doing in a few weeks on 12 News.
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Georgann Yara

Spine surgeon revives patients' joy of life

Full article: Shortly after opening the Sonoran Spine in 1998, Dr. Dennis Crandall discovered that performing the duties of a spine surgeon was somewhat easier than being a business owner. Years of medical school and countless hours in the operating room spent on one of the most intricate and risky parts of the human body did little to educate the…
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Research at Sonoran Spine: Why we elevate academic pursuits in our practice

When I was training as an orthopedic surgery resident, I took care of a young teenage girl who was born with misshaped vertebra. As she grew, her spine began to curve (congenital scoliosis). She was cute, chatty, smart, curious, and she had a severe spinal deformity. Orthopedic knowledge at the time taught that correcting a congenitally curved spine like this girl had should never be done. The appropriate surgery was to fuse the deformity in its …
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Dr. Crandall Featured on Becker's Orthopedic, Spine & Pain Management Website

Browse the following links featuring Medical Director Dennis Crandall, MD: 8 Pillars of Success at Sonoran Spine 10 Spine Surgeon Practice Leaders to Know 10 Spine Surgeons for Professional Basketball Teams 92 Team Physicians for Professional Basketball
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Dr. Crandall Interviewed for Becker's Orthopedic, Spine & Pain Management Website

Browse through the following topics to view Dr. Crandall's responses for Becker's Orthopedic, Spine and Pain Management's Ask Spine Surgeons. Ask Spine Surgeons is a weekly series of questions posed to spine surgeons around the country about clinical, business and policy issues affecting spine care. Which Spine Procedures Are Difficult to Receive Reimbursement For? 7 Spine Surgeons on Using Robotic Technology Spine Surgeons: Is An ACO in Your Fut…
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If you had a choice, you would choose this hospital

In our current cost conscious healthcare environment, some people are still looking for ways to preserve high quality while controlling costs. One such effort is going on in Phoenix at the new Oasis Hospital, on 40th Street and the 202. Oasis Hospital is a spine and orthopedic only hospital, owned and run jointly by Dignity Healthcare and a group of the elite orthopedic and neurosurgeons in the Phoenix Valley. It is new, beautifully appointed, an…
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Laura Miller, Becker's Orthopedic, Spine & Pain Management

8 Pillars of Success at Sonoran Spine

Spine practices can follow one of several different business models with a focus on either surgical cases, non-surgical cases or a mix of both. When founding his group, Sonoran Spine, Dennis Crandall, MD, chose a model that emphasized treating all different types of patients. "We have chosen a model on purpose that embraces all spine disease in adults and children — operative and non-operative," says Dr. Crandall, who now serves as the practice p…
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The Moment That Makes Everything Worth It

Mornings start early on most days, with hospital rounds starting well before 6:30am. We surgeons need to evaluate every patient that is in the hospital under our care prior to beginning the day's activities. Rounds consist of formulating an outline the day's recovery plan for each patient who is in the hospital (all have had surgery within the past few days), coordinating that plan with the nurses and therapists, checking in with the incredibly v…
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Thoracoscopic Spine Surgery

SPINE SURGERY THROUGH THE SCOPE SPINAL SURGERY FOR DEFORMITY History - The first report of surgery to fuse a diseased spine was published in 1911 by Hibbs. Early results using what were primitive techniques were less than encouraging and spinal fusions fell out of favor. In the 1940's posterior (from the back) spinal fusions became increasingly recognized as valuable for certain diseases such as tuberculosis of the spine, and later for spinal def…
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Spinal Tumors

Low back pain usually resolves without physician intervention. However, if back pain doesn't go away, it's important to obtain an accurate diagnosis so treatment can be initiated. The physician must be able to distinguish between typical degenerative processes, muscular strains, nerve impingements, infections, and finally, a spinal tumor. Through a thorough evaluation including physical examination and diagnostic imaging, the physician can acquir…
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