Expert Blog

Frequently Asked Questions About Kyphosis

Spine with blue background
Several million people in the U.S. struggle with some sort of abnormal spinal curvature. Many of these individuals have a condition known as kyphosis. Kyphosis can plague both children and adults for a variety of reasons, potentially leading to visible deformity as well as causing pain and other symptoms. If kyphosis has affected you or someone you love, benefit from learning some basic facts about this condition. Take a look at the answers to th…
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Tips for Preventing Back Pain After Yard Work

While you may smile knowing that nice weather is here, it also means you likely have responsibilities in your yard. Whether you enjoy gardening or not, leaning over and pulling weeds is often strenuous on your back. You may notice you have pain in your back when you weed whack as well. Through these few tips, you can reduce the amount of pain you experience and help prevent worsening a pre-existing back condition. 1. TAKE BREAKS FREQUENTLY When y…
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Dennis Crandall, MD.

Understanding and Managing Spinal Arthritis

Pink shirt visible spine
If everyday twisting, bending, or stooping motions have become a painful ordeal, you may have developed a case of spinal arthritis. Many varieties of spinal arthritis plague exist, any of which can leave you suffering from chronic pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The more clearly you understand how arthritis affects the spine, what kind of arthritis you have, and how different treatment options can bring symptoms under control, the more easily …
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Suffering Chronic Lower Back Pain? Radiofrequency Ablation Could Help

Lower back red spot
If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, you may have sought various remedies for many years. But many of those treatments fail to solve the painful issues of some patients. The good news is that modern technology is constantly updating, and today you have new options using the latest techniques. One of these treatments you may have heard about, or been recommended, is known as radio-frequency ablation. What is this procedure? How does it affe…
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Dr. Chang on The Doctors

Did you miss the story on The Doctors with Dr. Chang and his scoliosis surgery? Here is your chance to watch it!
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