Expert Blog

Jason Datta, MD.

Minimally Invasive Technology

Spine surgery, like other aspects of medicine, is moving more towards minimally invasive techniques and innovative ways of approaching the common problems that patients suffer in the neck and back. Just in the last 10 years, there have been significant improvements in techniques to improve outcomes and shorten recovery times so critical to patients when considering elective surgeries. Minimally invasive procedures use techniques and instrumentati…
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Minimally Invasive Fusion Made Easier

You have a painful low back, and your doctor says that you need to see a spine surgeon. You have heard from your friends and family who have said, "Never let anybody operate on your spine" or "My friend had back surgery. He is now worse than he was before surgery," or the scariest, "It'll paralyze you." At the Sonoran Spine, we''ve heard all the stories. We want to dispel the myths about spine surgery and help you to understand there are real sol…
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Failed Back Syndrome

Patients who had undergone prior back surgery with persisting back or leg pain finally got a name for their condition in 1951. It was called failed back syndrome. Currently we define this condition as persisting or recurring low back pain with or without radiating leg pain following one or more back surgeries. This condition is recognized as a spectrum of organic disease which can be complicated by learned chronic behaviors and secondary gain. Th…
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Jason Datta, MD.

Yoga For Low Back Pain

Every day I am asked to recommend the best exercise plan for improving low back pain. My first response is that any exercise done on a consistent basis helps reduce pain in the majority of low back pain sufferers. A commitment to exercising on a consistent basis is the first hurdle most must overcome to get lasting benefit from exercise. Incorporating an exercise program into your life is as important as taking daily medications, getting adequate…
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Jan Revella, RN.


When I first realized that everybody has something big going on, it was a real eye opener. It helps me put things into perspective everyday whether I'm at work, in traffic, dealing with others and while I play. Everyone deals with stress, but there are strategies that can help to deal with stress and enjoy life more even when we are doing things that are uncomfortable and undesirable. Let me share with you some of my favorite ways to break up, re…
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Spine Wellness Without Surgery

Most spine problems can be improved and even resolved without surgery. Only a small percentage of patients need surgery. Prevention through diet and exercise, ergonomics and proper body mechanics can help you live pain-free from a spine problem. However, once you have a spinal condition, there are many treatments that can get you back on track to an active lifestyle. Our website is still growing and more conservative management articles will be a…
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Solutions for Back Pain

If you have never experienced back pain, odds are one day you will. The big question is, HOW ACTIVE DO YOU WANT TO BE? What if your back pain stays roughly the same, where do you see yourself ten years from now? For most people, a completely sedentary lifestyle spent sitting on the couch with a remote control in hand is not a reasonable alternative. For motivated patients wanting to get their life back again, there are several pathways to achievi…
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Bracing for Low Back Pain

Key Points Proper orthotics prescription requires knowledge of the biomechanics of the Thoraco-lumbar spine and general principles of bracing, including their indications and limitations. Spinal orthoses utilize the principle of three-point pressure control. The corrective component is typically and ideally located midway between the opposing forces. Spinal orthoses may be used as an adjunctive treatment for various conditions that can cause low …
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Farhad Mosallaie, DO, PhD

A Review of Conservative Spine Treatments

Often we hear, "I don't want to have spine surgery!" The good news is ninety percent of people who experience back pain will never need spine surgery since most problems resolve with conservative care. Conservative treatments for back or neck pain include a wide spectrum of treatment options ranging from common medications to more uncommon methodologies such as acupuncture or biofeedback. Many strategies can be used together, although some are mo…
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Osteoporosis Fracture Treated With Kyphoplasty

PROMISING TREATMENT RELIEVES PAIN Osteoporosis and Spine Fractures Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder in which bones become fragile and are more likely to break. If not prevented or treated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks. These broken bones, called fractures, are most likely to occur in the hip, spine or wrist. Possible causes include hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, metabolic diseases, cancer, or in otherwise healthy p…
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